ERP for mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry

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ERP solution for mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry

In the complex sector of mechanical engineering and industrial equipment, the integration of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system provides a comprehensive solution to address the challenges of this dynamic industry.

In this ever-evolving environment, companies require powerful tools to manage the planning, production, distribution, and maintenance of their equipment.

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The key features of an ERP for the mechanical and equipment industry

Tracking maintenance and after-sales service for your mechanical and industrial equipment

Tracking the maintenance of your own machine tools is a necessity to prevent unexpected production stoppages, which are typically longer than planned maintenance downtime.

  • Planning and tracking preventive maintenance: Planning and tracking maintenance becomes straightforward with an ERP. It allows you to establish a preventive schedule, considering various factors such as machine operating hours and manufacturer recommendations, ensuring continuous equipment availability. Tracking is equally crucial to ensure that operations are carried out on time and in compliance with standards. With the ERP, you can track work progress, assign tasks, and receive real-time notifications to take immediate action in case of delays or issues, thus preserving productivity.
  • Spare parts management: With your ERP, you can easily compile a list of the most frequently replaced parts, both by your customers and on your own machines. By maintaining an up-to-date inventory for these parts, you ensure their continuous availability. By anticipating spare parts needs and offering proactive solutions, you will prevent unplanned production line breakdowns.

When it comes to after-sales service (SAV) tracking, ERP systems can be beneficial for managing your customer relationship: 

  • Service intervention tracking: By documenting each after-sales service intervention on the equipment you manage in your ERP, you ensure your customers have complete traceability of the status of their assets and the measures taken to maintain their performance level. This transparency strengthens your customers' trust in your maintenance and after-sales service, fostering a long-term relationship based on satisfaction and reliability.
  • Maintenance performance analysis: With the advanced reporting functionalities of ERP systems, you can analyze the performance of the equipment you distribute or resell, identify maintenance trends, and anticipate the future needs of your customers. This proactive analysis enables you to tailor your product and service offerings to meet the evolving demands of the market.

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Facilitate the management of your design projects

Project management is a crucial concept in this type of industry. Opting for an ERP solution is a major asset because of: 

  • Improving collaboration and communication: By centralizing data within a single ERP, such as pre-conception or post-conception simulation data, all stakeholders, whether engineers, designers, technicians, or project managers, have easy and quick access to relevant information. This fosters better collaboration and effective communication throughout the design process.
  • Facilitated analysis and decision-making: With all simulation data centralized, it becomes easier to analyze design performance, identify potential issues, and make better decisions. Engineers can compare results from different simulations, evaluate design alternatives, and choose the best approach to meet project requirements.
  • Improved visibility and traceability: An integrated management system provides increased visibility to production managers, procurement managers, and quality managers. This enables them to track every stage of design, raw material and finished product stocks, and quickly identify delays or issues to take immediate corrective actions. Furthermore, this enhanced traceability facilitates the management of changes and revisions, ensuring consistency and quality of the final product. By monitoring compliance with quality standards and regulations, risks to customers and end users are minimized, thus reinforcing customer trust and satisfaction.

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Coordination of purchasing, sales, manufacturing and delivery processes

In the mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry, coordinating the purchasing, sales, manufacturing, and delivery processes is crucial to ensure customer satisfaction and company profitability.

Upon order placement, customer requirements are analyzed and converted into purchase requests for the necessary materials and components. With the help of an integrated ERP system, these requests are automatically transformed into purchase orders, ensuring timely procurement and material availability.

Upon receipt of the materials, manufacturing is initiated, with planning based on order data. Production steps are coordinated for efficient resource utilization while maintaining high standards of quality and safety.

On the other hand, inventory management is essential to maintain adequate stock levels. Integrated management software will give you real-time monitoring of stock levels and automatic replenishments, preventing stock-outs and unnecessary surpluses.

Once production is completed, the delivery process takes over. Orders are prepared, shipments are arranged, and products are sent to customers. With an ERP solution, customers are kept informed in real time about the status of their order, ensuring a positive experience and strengthening loyalty.

During these processes, the use of an integrated management system improves collaboration among key stakeholders in this sector, including:

  • Purchasing department: responsible for sourcing materials and components needed for manufacturing.
  • Production department: directly involved in managing manufacturing and delivery processes and liaising with the purchasing department.
  • Logistics department: responsible for inbound flows and managing arrivals and shipments.

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The key features of an ERP for the mechanical and equipment industry


Invoice and payment management

Create invoices, track payments and optimize payment times to maintain healthy cash flow. Benefit from an automated solution that simplifies your invoicing and payment processes in the mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry sector.


Business intelligence and reporting

Analyze trends, evaluate performance, and derive valuable insights from your ERP software to guide your business growth. Make better decisions through in-depth data analysis and custom reports for the mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry.


Customer relationship management (CRM) and sales management

Cultivate strong relationships with your customers and multiply your sales with a comprehensive and efficient management solution. Track leads, automate sales processes and personalize your communication to increase revenue for your business in the mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry.


Digital Marketing Campaigns & Marketing Automation

Optimize your marketing efforts with targeted digital marketing campaigns and intelligent automation from your ERP. Create, personalize, track, automate and analyze to increase customer engagement and maximize your conversions for mechanical engineering and industrial equipment companies.


Maintenance and equipment management

Keep your equipment in perfect working order with proactive maintenance management on an integrated management solution. Plan interventions for mechanical engineering and industrial equipment companies, track repairs to ensure efficient production by minimizing downtime.


Expense report management

Improve the management of expense reports for the mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry sector through the use of an ERP. Track expenses, automate reimbursements and ensure employee satisfaction.


Financial and accounting management

Keep a close eye on your finances in this sector with an ERP software ensuring your financial and accounting management. Manage cash flows, budgets, and financial reports for effective financial management of your business.


Fleet management

Optimize the use of your vehicle fleet in the mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry to reduce costs. Track vehicles and plan routes while ensuring the organization of maintenance operations to preserve the reliability and performance of the fleet.


Inventory management

Optimize your inventory management and be able to respond to all requests for mechanical engineering and industrial equipment companies. Track your stock levels, manage your supplies and minimize stock shortages to ensure customer satisfaction.


Leave and absence planning

Ensure effective planning of your workforce by simplifying the management of leave and absences. Track leave requests, establish flexible policies, and minimize scheduling conflicts to maintain high productivity in this industry.


Manufacturing planning and tracking

Plan and track your production in your ERP to optimize supply chain efficiency and ensure product quality. Manage work orders, track production times and ensure timely delivery to meet customer requirements for the mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry.


Personnel administration

Improve the performance and satisfaction of your employees with simplified HR management. Manage their data, automate your administrative processes and ensure your regulatory compliance to establish transparent and efficient personnel management in the mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry sector.


Purchasing management

Simplify the procurement process to reduce costs and optimize operations for mechanical engineering and industrial equipment companies. Automate workflows, manage suppliers and optimize purchasing contracts to ensure the quality of products and services.


Quality management

Ensure compliance with the highest quality standards for mechanical engineering and industrial equipment companies. Identify and correct non-conformances, track performance and ensure customer satisfaction by providing superior products and services.


Website and e-commerce management

Expand your online presence and boost your sales for the mechanical engineering and industrial equipment industry. Create dynamic websites, optimize SEO and maximize conversions with an integrated website management and e-commerce platform.

 Choose the right ERP for your business !

Odoo ERP

Odoo offers an integrated and flexible solution perfectly suited for mechanical engineering and equipment companies. Its modularity allows for the selection of relevant features, while its holistic vision promotes coordination between departments. With advanced project management, inventory tracking, and performance analysis tools, Odoo helps these companies optimize their processes, reduce costs, and stay competitive.


  • Worldwide ERP solution
  • Based Cloud ERP Solution or On Premise ERP Solution
  • Prices per users
  • Adapted for small businesses and mid-market businesses
  • +40 000 apps availables on Odoo Marketplace

Acumatica ERP

The ability of this ERP to adapt to specific business processes, its secure cloud-native architecture, and its visibility across the entire enterprise make it an ideal choice. With Acumatica, companies can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve profitability while benefiting from a scalable solution capable of supporting their growth.


  • North American ERP solution
  • Based Cloud ERP Solution
  • Prices per ressources
  • Adapted for Mid-Market Businesses
  • +150 apps availables on Acumatica Marketplace

Cegid XRP Flex

With its advanced features for operations, production, and supply chain management, this ERP solution enables companies to maximize productivity while remaining competitive in a constantly evolving environment. With its advanced financial management and reporting capabilities, Cegid XRP Flex provides increased visibility into the financial and operational performance of your business.

Cegid Partner

  • European ERP solution
  • Based Cloud ERP Solution
  • Prices per ressources
  • Adapted for Mid-Market Businesses
  • +30 apps availables on Cegid Marketplace

The activities of companies in the mechanics & equipment industry

Companies in the mechanical and equipment sector are involved in a variety of activities related to the design, manufacturing, distribution, and maintenance of mechanical equipment. Here are some of the main activities of these companies:

Manufacturers of equipment

These companies design, develop, and produce a range of mechanical and industrial equipment, such as machine tools, automotive components, lifting equipment, etc.

Engineering service providers

They offer specialized engineering services, including computer-aided design (CAD), modeling and simulation, stress analysis, product design, etc.

Maintenance and repair companies

Specializing in the maintenance, repair, and overhaul of mechanical and industrial equipment, they provide troubleshooting, periodic maintenance, refurbishment services, etc.

Distributors and resellers

These companies purchase mechanical equipment from manufacturers and resell them to end customers, offering consulting, technical support, and after-sales services.

Subcontracting companies

They provide contract manufacturing services to clients, producing parts, components, or assemblies according to provided specifications.

Captivea, your best ERP integrator

Launch your project with us now !

Choosing CAPTIVEA as an ERP integrator for the mechanical and equipment sector provides a tailored solution adapted to the specific needs of this industry. Leveraging its sector expertise and mastery of the Odoo ERP, CAPTIVEA offers flexible and scalable solutions perfectly suited to the evolving needs of businesses.

You can expect personalized support at every stage of the integration process, aimed at optimizing operational efficiency and driving long-term growth for companies in the mechanical and equipment sector.

FAQ for ERP in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Equipment Industry

ERP software, short for Enterprise Resource Planning software, integrates core business processes into a single system to streamline operations and improve efficiency across departments.

ERP systems enhance manufacturing operations by automating processes such as production scheduling, inventory control, and supply chain management.

Mechanical engineering firms benefit from ERP solutions by optimizing project management, improving resource management, and enhancing customer management processes.

ERP systems offer key features such as production planning, quality control, and maintenance management to support manufacturing processes effectively.

ERP software facilitates supply chain management by optimizing inventory control, demand forecasting, and supply chain optimization.

Project management ensures successful ERP system implementation by coordinating tasks, managing timelines, and aligning business operations with ERP functionalities.

ERP systems help in financial management by automating invoicing, tracking cash flow, and generating financial reports for better decision-making.

ERP software includes modules for human resources management, facilitating employee data management, leave planning, and compliance with HR regulations.

ERP systems enable small manufacturing companies to achieve affordable ERP solutions tailored to their needs, enhancing competitiveness and operational efficiency.

ERP systems streamline operations for equipment manufacturers by managing production processes, optimizing supply chain operations, and ensuring quality control.

Industries such as mechanical engineering and industrial equipment find ERP solutions invaluable for integrating business processes and improving overall efficiency.

ERP solutions like Microsoft Dynamics offer robust functionalities tailored to manufacturing operations, including resource management and production planning.

ERP software improves service management by enabling better tracking of after-sales service, maintenance scheduling, and customer relationship management.

When choosing a manufacturing ERP, consider factors like scalability, integration capabilities, and alignment with specific business needs.

When choosing a manufacturing ERP, consider factors like scalability, integration capabilities, and alignment with specific business needs.