Grow with your ERP Odoo
ERP Solution for the Cannabis Industry
The Captivea Cannabis Solution, based off of the Odoo platform provides a completely METRC compliant solution with many additional features that have been geared specifically for the Cannabis industry making it a true seed-to-sale software.
Specific Industry Challenges such as banking instability and the need to quickly migrate journals address the needs of this fast-paced market.

ERP Software Apps for the Cannabis Industry
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : Sales Aggregate limits for individuals, tracks sales order history and average order size.
Contacts also incorporates licensing data and allows end users to update their orders and integrate to track status.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features :
For better team communication the Odoo base Discuss Module has been modified to additionally consolidate all incoming messages in an inbox like format.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : POS has had significant graphical overhaul, has integrated METRC and consolidates inventory with delivery.
Offline has been significantly speed up. In addition to this Customer feedback has been integrated and order windows have been streamlined.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : Consolidation has been modified. Integration with third party payment providers has been incorporated to provide a payment veil.
In addition to this workflows were added to allow for a quicker transition between business bank accounts and payment processors.
We have also integrated with a respected payment processor to allow for debit card transactions that are accurately reported through the match process.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : Sales has been modified for sales territories, being able to have more action oriented data and dashboards, and allowing for sending samples in a METRC approved way without having to custom generate tiny sales orders.
In addition the Sales module has been combined with price spiders to enable integration of market data.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features :
Sign has been modified to allow for default contracts to be generated based on sales types and sent with certain selected sales orders.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features :
These modules have expanded timelines, activity tracking, and workflows to support Agricultural work tasks.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : Skills management has been modified to track METRC training, integrate with METRC training that is Odoo specific, and includes METRC specific Odoo actions and training videos for the cannabis industry.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features :
Customer retention has been modified for points, rewards, and membership options to further interact with your Cannabis POS system.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features :The Purchasing module now allows for tracking COAs and full integration with METRC.
It also has integrated new Advanced Planning and Reordering functions so that Capacity can actually be planned for and future out of stocks can be forecasted based on dozens of what if scenarios.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : The subscription module has been modified to track re-occurring deliveries and not allow users to schedule deliveries that would push them over their legal limits.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : The dashboard has been changes to allow for drag and drop of locations and KPIs, multiple Dashboards can be made and shared among user rights to monitor KPIs that's are relevant for your cannabis business.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : Consolidation has been modified. Integration with third party payment providers has been incorporated to provide a payment veil in the software solution.
In addition to this workflows were added to allow for a quicker transition between business bank accounts and payment processors. We have also integrated with a respected payment processor to allow for debit card transactions that are accurately reported through the match process.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : Inventory has had significant changes to match METRC compliance, enable QR codes, and integrate with delivery using routing features that are beneficial for your cannabis business.
- In addition, delivery vehicles now auto generate virtual bins that can then be weighed upon check-in, allowing for delivery drivers to carry temporary stock if necessary.
- In addition theERP solution has underwent significant overhauls to how cycle counts are generated and the allowance for farm price method write downs on agricultural products.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : The only significant change to Barcodes has been the integration with QR codes, the ability to generate COA reports based on printed labels on the site, and finally the ability to store and generate GS128 labels for internal use.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : The only significant change to Barcodes has been the integration with QR codes, the ability to generate COA reports based on printed labels on the site, and finally the ability to store and generate GS128 labels for internal use in the cannabis industry.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : Sales Aggregate limits for individuals, tracks sales order history and average order size. Contacts also incorporates licensing data and allows end users to update their orders and integrate to track status. Contacts module shows delivery hotspots, mapping, and sales territories.
Cannabis ERP / Captivea Features : Quality has been updated to more closely align with COA tracking requirements and allows for lot and serial controls all the way to the agricultural level.

In addition to this the Retail and POS modules have been upgraded significantly as illustrated below to allow for easy user input, quick customer registration through ID card inputs, and social tracking of internal trends. All features that are essential for your cannabis business.
Contact us about Cannabis ERP Software
We are the best ERP cannabis experts.
Contact us and grow up with your ERP