ERP Implementation

Open Source ERP Software Implementation

What is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)?

ERP refers to a business process management software that optimizes the processes of an organization by providing a system of integrated and centralized applications that help manage and automate a wide range of business operations including accounting, human resources, sales and inventory management.

Today, there are several ERP systems available on the market. An ERP system is without a doubt integral to the management of organizations, businesses and companies all over the world, of all sizes and industries. Enterprise Resource Planning softwares today have more features than ever before and are becoming increasingly sophisticated and apt to meet the demands of today's organizations and end-users.


Who Will Carry Out An ERP Implementation Project?

Most companies will choose an ERP integrator for their ERP project. An integrator, also known as an ERP vendor, is a third party company oftentimes partnered with the software publishing company, that can implement the ERP solution into your company's existing IS system and business processes. An integrator's project team will usually include a few crucial roles such as a project manager, consultant and developer that work together to carry out the implementation process.

Another option companies have for ERP implementation is going with the software publishing company directly. Some software companies will have a department dedicated to implementations of the software. This is sometimes known as a direct implementation as it is being conducted directly by the software company.


What Industries Can Implement An ERP

Companies Of All Different Sizes and Industries Can Implement ERP

Small-Sized Companies

ERP implementations for small-sized companies and businesses typically have a small or narrow focus. Because these projects typically involve some basic functions of an ERP system these they are considered relatively light in terms of complex technical configurations, specifications and customizations.

Medium-Sized Companies

ERP implementations for medium-sized companies are slightly more complex. The focus for these projects is broader and may include a more in-depth look at different integrated ERP features such as CRM, Sales, Accounting, Purchase, Inventory, Manufacturing, HR, project management and Website. Here it is common to still see ERP solutions with only basic usage but some level of customization. Implementation at this scale requires a good business analysis prior to project commencement in order to get a good understanding of the company's systems and processes to optimize the deployment of the new ERP.

Large-Sized Companies

For ERP implementations within large-sized enterprises and companies, thorough and in-depth business analysis is not only required but is essential for a successful implementation.

Implementations on this scale usually include all the services of an ERP software and take more time due to the need for extensive configuration and customization in order to fit the needs of a company. Implementations within large-sized companies can oftentimes face the challenge of change management or overall challenges due to the scope and number of future users involved in the project.

What Industries Are Suitable For ERP Implementation?

Manufacturing, distribution, services and much more, Virtually any industry is suitable for ERP implementation. ERP is non industry specific.

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ERP Implementation Cost & Duration

How Much Does ERP Implementation Cost?

The cost of ERP implementation depends on multiple factors including costs for software licensing, hosting, the number of software services as well as the number of users who will be using the implemented ERP software.

Bellow We Have Some Prices Ranges For ERP Implementation based On The Number of Users.

  • 1-5 Users: From $2,000
  • 5-20 Users: From $10,000
  • 20-50 Users: From $25,000
  • 50-250 Users: From $50,000
  • 250-1000 Users: From $150,000

How Long Does ERP Implementation Take To Go Live?

The implementation of an ERP solution can take anywhere from 2 to 24 months based on the number of software services and or modules being implemented. The number of users as well as the level of customization needed to be made on a ERP system will also have an impact on the timeline of an implementation.

What is the ERP Implementation Process?

ERP implementation typically follow the following steps:

  1. Business Analysis: In this step of the implementation process, your new ERP integrator's goal is to find your company's "Big Picture". Properly performed the business analysis should reveal and help properly detect business needs and the related opportunities, potential solutions, and or possible areas of improvement. This step is very important for following best practices when implementing an ERP solution. All the elements to go into your cloud based ERP, project management and sales for example, will be determined here.
  2. Configuration/Customization: Any modifications that are needed will be made in this stage of the implementation and will vary based on the needs of the company. Advanced deployments, data migration and special applications are created here as well.  
  3. Final Testing: After the software is modified, final user testing begins on the ERP system. System testing is put in place to ensure that all specific business needs and project requirements have been met.
  4. Training: This is the last step before the new system can go live. In order to have a successful ERP implementation, the organization and its users must be trained on how to navigate and operate the software. User training is often overlooked or poorly executed, ultimately leading to issues later down the road.
  5. Going Live: It's time to go live! The ERP software is finally launched and is in full usage.
  6. Support/ Maintenance: an integrator like Captivea will continue to monitor and maintain your new ERP system. Dedicated consultants will be readily available to answer your support requests and provide daily support regarding the use of the software and requests for product evolution. All to make sure that your ERP solution is optimized for your organization.

Why Is ERP Implementation A Challenging Task?

The Challenges of Implementing ERP Software

ERP Implementation is no light task. It's a new approach to digitization that involves the transformation of a company's IS system, business processes and deep introspection of organizational needs, shortcomings and opportunities. Because these are all so important, the successful implementation of an ERP is vital.Of course, successfully implemented your company will realize multiple benefits with a new cloud based ERP. There is a great opportunity for a return on used time and resources. However, there are challenges that can arise and undermine the efficacy of your new software. Because it impacts all of the services of your business, your ERP integrator must be very knowledgeable in order properly guide you through this change. that is a matter of choosing the right integrator.

In the addition to budgeting concerns that need to be taken into account. ERP implementation requires a good deal of change management. This includes preparing, supporting and helping individuals, as well as entire teams and organizations, navigate the organizational changes that come with a new system . But there are setbacks that can occur, one example of this is change resistance. it can occur especially when a company attempts a transition from older methods or technology. It is also important that all departments have a similar vision, but this is sometimes easier said than done.

The right integrator project team can help overcome these hurdles and put you on the path for success with your ERP implementation.

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A Successful ERP implementation starts with the right implementation team! Contact us today and improve your business now!